Wednesday 26 November 2014

My Thesis Writing Challenge - Day 3

Happy Thursday sweet people!

Nothing was accomplished yesterday as I was busy with other commitments. I was excited with my students' UPSR result as well as Ms Lam's kindergarten's flyers. Both are done and dealt with.

Day 3

Writing on: Cloud Computing History (still)

What I've gathered are:
All types of emails are a form of cloud computing. Without realising it, we've been using the CC services since the conception of emails. This is why Ray Tomlinson is credited with inventing email in 1972. Like many of the Internet inventors, Tomlinson worked for Bolt Beranek and Newman as an ARPANET contractor. He picked the @ symbol from the computer keyboard to denote sending messages from one computer to another. So then, for anyone using Internet standards, it was simply a matter of nominating name-of-the-user@name-of-the-computer. Internet pioneer Jon Postel, who we will hear more of later, was one of the first users of the new system, and is credited with describing it as a "nice hack". It certainly was, and it has lasted to this day.

Among the most used emails are Yahoo mail (Yahoo), Hotmail (MSN) and gmail (Google). Users are allowed to store and save their things - documents and pictures in their storage.

I, for one have started storing my stuff in the email, particularly Yahoo mail for quite some time, i.e. when thumbdrive started to fail me and one of them crashed (formattted) beyond repair two years ago. Since that incident, I turned to CC or cloud storage to safeguard my important documents.

I've tried Hotmail but I don't like it. Its features are not to my liking.

I'm still very much loyal to Yahoo mail and in fact all my official mails are being sent to Yahoo mail.

The latest cloud storage is Dropbox and Google Drive where I own a few of each. I rely heavily on Dropbox and Google Drive as I don't trust Pendrive anymore!


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